Yorokobi's Translation Page


Hana Kimi Tour - Navigated by Mizushima Hiro
11 Highlights and Inside stories banned from girls!
In the drama "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e - Ikemen Paradise-" playing the school playboy and taking the name Nanba Minami. Hiro will this time navigate the drama's highlights and behind the scenes of the school. Here are the explinations of the points. The search for the secrets and truths of Ikemen Paradise!
Lots of Boys!
During filming everyone is like a pro actor and are very serious about it but the dressing room full of boys is really just like a boys school. The high school I went through too, in the class there were only boys so that atmosphere is a little nostalgic for me. They are in the prime of their growth so, at any rate the eat well! Especially the teenagers, even if the eat the packed lunch it doesn't seem to be enough so after that they go to the convenience store again (haha). Location stuff too. is not the simple type like fish or boiled foods etc but entirely meat. Grilled pig and ginger, checken and hamburgers for example. The one who has the biggest appetite is Mizobata (Jyunpei). Everytime he cleanly eats two packed lunches.
Different Personalities in the Dorms
Dorm 1 is the fighting one. These very cool boys are above all masculinely dripping sweat and persuing the beauty of muscle. In the drama there are many scenes where they must do pushups but from the rehearsal time eveyone does their best. The dorm I act as head of, dorm 2 has been set to be called the "Sports type" but there are manga workshop people, a boy who can see auras, they all have lots of freedom and ideas etc. The do anything type (haha). Sano (Oguri Shun) and Ashiya (Horikita Maki) are also in dorm 2. Dorm 3 are a legion of theatre narcissists. Usually narcissists are disgusting but the appearance of these dorm students is so intense you have permission to laugh.
Man-Like Maki
Maki give a kind of girl-like impression doesn't she? That girl plays a boy, how can that be? First you must use your imagination. However when you see she has short hair, wears the uniform and hangs her bag from her shoulder like boys do, you think 'Ah, this girl really looks like it', 'She does it normally'. When her eyes go strong and sharp and she raises her jaw a little bit to talk, in that moment you can see a real boy. This amazing actress can even play a boy with conviction.
Dressing in Costumes
Dorm 1 people always wear Judo clother, you almost never see the appearance of their uniforms (haha). Dorm 3 come out wearing cloaks and masks etc, nothing like a high school students clothes. A particular highlight is probably Oscar's (Kyou Nobuo) costumes. They are pretty funny. Dorm 2 students are the ones that appear in uniform a lot. I, myslef, to show my character wear uniform but wear a piercing, open the chest of my shirt a little and loosen my tie so you can see my necklace etc. Sano's character as is, wearing uniform also is simple and cool. Also please notice Yamamoto (Yusuke) when he ventures into plain clothes more than uniform. He wears worn out shirts and something wound around his neck significant for seeing peoples auras. The difference of his fashion to normal people is interesting.
Good Tempo
Sano's role is very cool so, more than tempo, there is a feeling of him taking care with each and every line. Ashiya has the strange power to just stand in front of the camera and the atmosphere of that place will change dramatically. Reguarding other people apart from these two, there seems to be a tempo, speed character battle going on. In the scenes they also add funny ad lib to the lines and unconciously laugh. Please enjoy the strong impact of the scenes where there are a lot of appearances in one scene.
Non-Stop Nanaba
About me, I often have to go from making a very cool-guy face and in no time at all change to various other expressions. When I first heard I was playing the school's playboy I though 'What a cool role', I'm a high tension guy that likes women (haha). But if I think about it, is there not a part of myself that is like Nanba? My case was before I was a man however, together with my really good friend we romanced etc and became pretty high tension that way (haha). After I took on this role and met with my supervisor for the first time we talked about Nanba's style. We decided for hairstyle to raise the fringe out of my forhead. When its just out of my forhead my face becomes rugged which is the opposite of my character so, the fringe is twisted  and spead out in order for a cow lick to stand. To emphasise my originally unruly hair, first it is wet, then wax is put on and in addition it is made wavey.
Colourful Western Style
You never see a normal high school like the Ousaku Gakuen campus right? The set is very impressive, it is constructed of red brick in the colourful western style. The setting is like that of a sister school overseas so everything is also done with an international feel to it. The place in the dorm where everyone has their meals, more than being like a dining room it has a cafe-like atmosphere. After that, Sano and Ashiya's shared room and loft are also in this fashion.
Hibari 4 are Healing
Hibari (Iwasa Mayuko) is a tough bully and a pretty nice character (haha). The Hibari 4 girls are also pretty cute. But I myslef don't tal positively with girls much and anyhow I haven't had a chance to socialise with Hibari the and Hibari 4 girls yet (haha). But when there is a boy only scene and they appear, just that, and the scene becomes georgeous. In this way their existance is healing.
Yuujirou's Minor Role
The dorms pet dog Yuujirou is also quite an actor. When Sano or Ashiya are in a pinch they have a good place to go where he helps comfort them, that Yuujirou. But it's as I thought with dogs (haha), if he has an appearance in a scene the shooting can't proceed on schedule. The first day I was involved with Yuujirou he would not hold the decided position so again and again we had to gather. But from he on in also, the drama should show this great minor character!
Boys School Romance
In the drama's development, as I thought, the hightlight is Ashiya, Sano and Nakatsu's (Ikuta Toma) love triangle relationship. Here a seriously sad love design is being drawn. For this to become the number 1 highlight, it's funny, but they want to make people who see it feel the stab in their chest. While that surrounds them, we show the typical way of a boys school making light of romance. For example the dorm 3 head commands the dorm students to do a goukon and while looking at the girls he makes a dirty joke saying 'What cup size is that girl?' When you see that part please say "Ah! Boys! Really!!" while laughing.
For example Tennouji (Ishigaki Yuma) grimmaces and states his opinion with passion, Sano says anything and it's cool. Nakatsu worries "I'm not a homo right?" Also at the school in the strange events that take place, "If you win the dorm will be supplied with an LCD television", this strange additional prize offer is said. In reality that's absolutley unbelievable. But when we desperately do absurd things it's funny right? High school students at this age are in the prime of their youth! We want the people watching this to enjoy it!
Translator's Notes
- Goukon means a group date. This is quite common in Japan often between students of boys schools and girls school or one company and another company so they have a chance to mingle with each other.
- You may be confused by the translation in the dorm personalities section about the 'manga workshop people' this is how it literally translated and im not sure who he was referring to.
- If you have any questions or translation requestiong feel free to email me at

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